Search Tickets

Smarter support ticket search

Find the ticket you need using powerful search

Budget Support Software documents various actions performed on a ticket, providing a clear audit trail of activities that have been performed on a ticket, from creation to resolution. Activity tracking focusses on ownership and responsibilities for various actions performed.

Efficient support service management with Budget Support Software

Ready to move from chaos to control? Sign up for free today and try Budget Support Software for yourself!

Search support tickets instantly

Your customers and your support staff could search for the tickets easily via a simple keyword search. The software also has a comprehensive advanced search to filter out the details that you need to find.

Comprehensive Search

Comprehensive Search

Search with a simple keyword search.
An advanced search option could search for a specific custom field entry.
Additional date range and status type filter search are also possible.
The filter would be persistent throughout the session until you clear them.

It is a very good ticket system, I have used it on my website and it serves a lot. I love the product and support! The time saved processing issues through the ticket system has been huge!
Edward Sunil Joseph, Nanben

Efficient support service management with Budget Support Software

Ready to move from chaos to control? Sign up for free today and try Budget Support Software for yourself!